3631 Retiree Workshop
Orange County Professional Firefighters, Local 3631
2018 Retiree Workshops
Greetings All:
Reminder for the upcoming retirement workshop 2018. Speakers from CALPERS, OCERS, Social Security, LAFCU, OCFA, Galloway, Nationwide and Brown Insurance will be present. See below for future date.
RSVP/Register by clicking here
Date: October 17, 2016 (C Shift)
Time: 9 AM (lunch is included)
Schedule: 0900-0930 Nationwide
0930-1000 CalPERS
1000-1115 OCERS
1115-1145 Brown
1145-1215 Social Security
1215-1245 Lunch
1245-1315 LAFCU
1315-1400 OCFA
1400-1430 Galloway
Orange County Professional Firefighters
Local 3631
1900 E. Warner Ave. Suite G
Santa Ana, CA 92705
The above schedule is tentative based on the time needed to cover various subjects .